Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What is a cow man really? From the Boss

Here a word of thought to anyone who owns livestock what do you call yourself when you work with them. If you’re a cowman you probably call yourself a herder. A sheep man might call himself a Sheppard that herds his flock. Why do they call themselves herders when they watch a flock of sheep not a herd of sheep? They could just say they’re flockers, but in the end are we really what we say we are? Baxter Black thinks like this for he wrote a poem titled “Cow Disturber” and it asks the question that I just asked and he came up with the instead of calling ourselves cow herders cow disturbers. Cow disturbers think about it and it starts to make sense. When a calf is sick what do we do with him we get him up and either rope him or run him down an ally. In the end to both situations they get squeezed and have needles that could have been uses as rifle barrels in WWII stuck into them and medicine delivered to them. When a pregnant heifer starts getting antsy and she’s close to do we get up every hour and go check her. We shine a flashlight in her eyes and see if that will help provoke her into labor. To tell whose calf belongs to whom we brand them and look at that from the calf’s point of view. Not that fun looking is it. All in all we are just trying to help these animals, but still were not exactly herding these animals so maybe we should start calling ourselves Cow Disturbers.

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