Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Something for the Angus people to think about from the Boss

Everyone knows who Baxter Black is and he has the best poem for Angus people. If Herefords were turned Black and Angus were Turned Red would Angus breeders than breed Herefords because they were black like there Angus. It’s happened to the Gelbvieh already with the Angus asking for help and the good people of Gelbvieh letting them use our good bulls and cows that they have now created the Balancer which is pretty much a black Gelbvieh. I no longer have to think about what I would do in the event because it’s happened to the Gelbvieh and I accepted it and now have a Black Gelbvieh Balancer bull. So the question is if all the black Angus in the world now turned into red cattle overnight or were bred until they were all red what would you do? Would you start breeding another breed like Gelbvieh or would you sink to breeding Brahma cattle with all their loose skin. You would have to move to Texas just so they wouldn’t die of the cold. So Angus is it just the color you like, is it the meat or just the cattle. I know I like Gelbvieh not for their color, but for what the cattle are. Easy keeping, good eating, and just tall around the best cattle of all time.

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