Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog Prompt 21 September 2009

Hiya fellas-

I'm sorry I can't be there with you today...hopefully tomorrow. Be great for the sub!

One question for you to think and write about today: What does Eddie's relationship with his father look like? Good/bad? How did it shape Eddie as a child? As an adult? What is Eddie's relationship with his mother like? What is his relationship like with his brother?

Use examples from the book!! Be thorough!

Shoot for 15-20 minutes of writing and be ready to read as a class when everyone is finished.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog Prompt 16 September 2009

First, revisit your blog from yesterday. Rewrite it to reflect the conversations we had yesterday. Be sure to address each question and use examples from the text. Plan on writing the equivalent of about 2 pages. Thorough, thorough, thorough. And then...some more thorough.

Then, in a separate comment, predict who Eddie's next person will be. Justify your prediction. You should have 2 comments!

When you're done, go back and edit to be sure that you've been thorough. Then, continue reading "Five People" quietly by yourself.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog Prompt 15 September 2009

Think about Eddie's war experiences and discuss your reactions to Albom's evocation of war. What did Eddie learn by being in war? How did he "come home a different man?" (85).
Why did the Captain shoot Eddie? What is the meaning when the Captain tells Eddie, "I took your leg to save your life"? Why does the Captain tell Eddie that sacrifice is not really a loss but a gain?
Use examples from the text complete with page numbers. Be thorough. Expect to write a beefy paragraph or two per question. Beefy, my friends. Beefy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog Prompt 9 September 2009


Read and respond.

Group C

Meet about Sideshow Slideshow.

Read and respond before noon on Friday!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blog Prompt 8 September 2009

Groups A, B, D

What is your opinion of the Blue Man’s story? The Blue Man’s relationship with his father? His connection with the sideshow? What does this have to do with Eddie? Why does he say, “This is not your heaven, it’s mine,” (42)?

Group C

Meet regarding the Sideshow Slideshow. Submit one list to me detailing who is covering what topics. Be prepared to present Thursday.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2 September 2009

Ironic, isn't it?

Before we read today, I want you to discuss with another classmate why the setting of "Five People" is ironic. Then, take a few minutes and comment back to this blog with your answer.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Missing flashdrive

anybody that sees my flashdrive please give it back to me it says "duracell" and is black please i need it (jacobarcher)

Read Me First 1 September 2009

Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

Now....find the blog post for your group and look at your assignment. You have a few moments to work, journal, etc. Be ready to read in a few.

Also, please note the list of working vocabulary words on the home page. You are responsible for the definitions of these words and I suggest that you maintain a list of working vocab words in your "Five People" notebook. This way, you can add to it as we go and you'll have a study source.

Group D

What does Eddie look like and what kind of guy is he? Use examples from the text.
What is it about a pier amusement park that makes it an interesting/good/ironic setting for the story? Explain. Use examples from the text.
Hint: check out p. 6 for my favorite quote.

Be thorough, use examples from the text and either post your response as a comment to this post OR in your "Five People" notebook.

Group C

Create a slideshow to share with the class on Tuesday. You will receive an INDIVIDUAL grade.

Research pier amusement parks similar to the fictional Ruby Pier where Eddie worked.

Include photos and information. How do they compare to the big theme parks popular today? What have historically been attractions at such parks? Sideshows? Rides? Food?

By the end of TODAY:

Submit one list to me summarizing the topic each student will be responsible for researching, compiling and adding to the slide show.

Group B

How does counting down the final minutes of Eddie's life affect you as a reader? Why does Albom do this? Give examples from the text.

Be thorough and blog your answer either as a comment to this post OR as a journal in your :Five People" notebook. Use examples from the text with page numbers!

Group A

Albom says, "all endings are also beginnings..." (1). What does he mean by this? How does it relate to this story in particular? Give an example of a time you can think of where one thing has begun as another thing ended, and the events that followed.

Be thorough and blog your answer either as a response to this posting OR in your "5 Things" notebook. Use examples from the text!!