Monday, January 11, 2010

Discussion from the BOSS

Hello, fellow students after reading Borie's last battle it brings to mind the old saying what goes around comes around. For the Borie mercilessly hunted the submarine and slowly killed all the men some of them being killed by machine gun fire. Finally in the end the Borie killed all of the fleeing Germans when they were on the conning tower from a deck gun. The thing was while all of this was going on it was slowly destroying the Borie for the submarines thick shell that was made for the underwater pressure scraped and punctured the Borie when they were tangled together on the first missed ramming try. All of the water that came flooding in from the holes eventually led to the turbines seizing and stopping from the salt in the steam. Not a single man had died in the entire battle, but some met their fate when they went into the frigid waters after they had to abandon ship. So I do believe there is some truth to the saying what you start will come back to bite you.
Boss Patton

1 comment:

  1. Hello Boss. I am commenting on your post because you and Weston where the only ones who actualy said something serious Weston had a coment already. I liked how you actualy explained the battleand how the Borie successfully sunk all fleeing German ships and how what goes around comes around.
